Private Funds

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Regan Credit Opportunities Fund


Seeks high total returns with minimum volatility


Mortgage-backed securities with opportunistic positions in other asset-backed securities, closed-end funds, municipal bonds and small business administration securities, etc.


  • Pursue out-of-favor, analysis-intensive debt instruments trading in opaque, generally over-the-counter, markets
  • Reduce risk by limiting downside possibilities and avoiding directional bets on housing or the economy
  • Increase consistency by focusing on high rates of current income
  • Enhance return by actively trading, acting as an intermediary and liquidity provider for other market participants
Strategy AUM:$315 million
Target Net Returns:8-12%
Inception Date:August 2011
Minimum Investment:$1 million
Management Fee:1%
Performance Fee:20%
High Water Mark:Yes
Subscription Frequency:Monthly
Liquidity:Quarterly with 60 days notice
Fund Lock Up:1 year (5% early redemption fee)
Administrator:US Bank
Custodian:US Bank
Legal Counsel:Winstead PC; Maples and Calder (Cayman)
Master Fund:Regan Credit Offshore Operating Fund, LP

Regan Enhanced Credit Opportunities Fund


Seeks maximum risk-adjusted total returns


Mortgage-backed securities with tactical positioning in highly liquid assets and opportunistic positions in other out-of-favor, analysis-intensive debt instruments


  • Take the Credit Opportunities Fund’s strategy and enhance its total return potential with the tactical deployment of leverage
  • Keep volatility down with increased focus on high-quality, liquid assets
  • Provide access to large upside by taking advantage of steeper yield curves
Strategy AUM:$53 million
Structure:Cayman Master with Onshore Feeder
Distributions:Quarterly if elected (1.25% per quarter; 5% annually)
Target Net Returns:10-15%
Inception Date:January 2020
Leverage:Up to 4x Equity
Minimum Investment:$1 million
Initial Capacity:$50 million
Management Fee:1%
Performance Fee:20%
High Water Mark:Yes
Subscription Frequency:Monthly
Liquidity:Quarterly with 60 days notice
Fund Lock Up:1 year (5% early redemption fee)
Administrator:US Bank
Custodian:US Bank
Legal Counsel:Winstead PC; Maples and Calder (Cayman)

Regan Special Opportunities Fund


Seeks a high level of current income with total return as a secondary objective


Limited Partnership interests in other private investment funds, Private Credit, including but not limited to: Bridge Loans, Specialty Finance Assets and Hard Money Loans.


Originate or purchase senior secured loans, secured by real estate, hard assets, or receivables, in addition to identifying under the radar investment managers specializing in niche credit opportunities that yield superior risk-adjusted returns.

Inception:April 2018
Vehicle Type:Delaware Incorporated Limited Partnership
Structure:Closed End Fund, 3 year 'investment period,' 2 year 'harvest' period
General Partner:Regan Special Opportunities Fund GP, LP
Investor Requirements:Qualified Purchaser
Leverage:Limited to 1x capital commitments
Minimum Investment:$250,000
Management Fee:1.5% per annum on each investors unreturned capital contributions
Performance Fee:15% European waterfall, assessed after LP's receive 100% of capital + 5% preferred return
Subsequent Closings:No later than 18 months after initial closing
Liquidity:5-year lock with 2 x 1-year extensions as determined by GP
Tax:Treated as a US Partnership with flow through characteristics
Administrator:US Bank
Custodian:Northern Trust
Legal Counsel:Winstead PC
Auditor:Baker Tilly